Archive for November, 2017

De l’informatique médicale…

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017

dites, @WedaOfficiel, ça va bien ? On savait déjà que vous cherchiez à facturer systématiquement toute option en plus du logiciel qu’on vous paie déjà 120 euros par mois par médecin (y compris moi qui travaille 2 jours par semaine au cabinet, pas de jaloux) 1/7

Puis, @WedaOfficiel, on apprend que vous voulez facturer une option qui sera en fait obligatoire pour bosser correctement (on a besoin de ROSP et compagnie, nouveaux types de rémunération pour bosser, et on n’a pas encore assez d’administratifs loin de là) 2/7

et là, en fait, on comprend que vous souhaitez juste vous payer grassement sur la-dite ROSP, puisque vous voulez surfacturer 280 euros par an par médecin pour le passage au DMP #SerpentDeMerMonSerpentDeMer Pour la mise en place bien sûr ? 3/7

Noooon, pas pour la mise en place @WedaOfficiel. Vous voulez facturer 280 euros par médecin ET PAR AN. Pour une option d’un logiciel que chacun d’entre nous paie déjà 1440 euros par an. Et dont on sait que vous allez chercher à nous surfacturer toutes les options. 4/7

On est plusieurs médecins par structure. Ca chiffre vite l’investissement dans votre logiciel @WedaOfficiel 5/7

Un exemple, pour que tout le monde comprenne bien. Pour faire apparaître un bouton à un endroit prévu à cet effet pour un scanner qu’on ne peut pas raccorder tout seuls (ou que notre informaticien habituel ne peut pas raccorder), bim, 80 euros. 6/7

Alors si j’ai mal compris, je veux bien qu’on me réexplique. Je ne demande que ça, même. Et puis j’aimerais avoir l’esprit tranquille pour m’occuper des gens sans avoir à me demander tout le temps si mon "entreprise libérale" tient le coup financièrement 7/7

Should You Use Blockchain?

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017

Almost everything on computers is perceptually slower than it was in 1983

Thursday, November 9th, 2017

A tweeted argument by @gravislizard on November 6, 2017

Almost everything on computers is perceptually slower than it was in 1983

Amber-screen library computer in 1998: type in two words and hit F3. search results appear instantly.
Now: type in two words, wait for an AJAX popup. get a throbber for five seconds. oops you pressed a key, your results are erased
One of the things that makes me steaming mad is how the entire field of web apps ignores 100% of learned lessons from desktop apps

Data in webpages in 2017 is distressingly fragile. go to google maps and try and find an action that *doesn’t* erase what you’re doing
Drag the map even a pixel? it erases all your results and closes the infobox you were looking at.

You have a list of interesting locations on the screen but you want to figure out how far they are from the center of town? you can’t.
You can open a new tab, do the search there, then flip back and forth manually in the browser. there’s no other way.
That is to say, once the data’s up on the screen, you *can’t add to it*. which is one of the core functions of computers, generally.
One of the primary reasons computers were *created* was to cross reference data. that is nearly impossible in most software now.

Maps are a particularly hot item for this. christ, what about looking at a map ISN’T about cross ref’ing data? it’s the WHOLE POINT
You have a start and a finish and need to integrate that with geography and roads. and gmaps, bing, etc. are all the worst choice for this.
You are, literally, better off taking a screenshot of the map, dropping it in ms paint and manually plotting there.
Gmaps wildly thrashes the map around every time you do anything. Any time you search, almost any time you click on anything it’s a bewildering whirl of colors and shapes that has gotten worse every six months for 15 years and in doing so it has made humans worse and worse and worse at doing things that computers were created to replace and improve
In 1998 if you were planning a trip you might have gotten out a paper road map and put marks on it for interesting locations along the way
With online maps you CAN do that, but the entire process is built assuming you already know everywhere you’re going
It APPEARS to be what you want – you can keep putting in locations and it’ll keep plotting them – but in truth it’s not at all
The process you WANT: pick your start and end. now start searching for places in between. Your start and end are saved.
When you find someplace interesting, add it to your list. Keep doing that, keep searching and adding.
Search far and wide. Search for cities and then click around inside them. Read reviews. Do street view.
When you’re all done, you go back to your plotted trip and start laying out the chosen locations and optimizing your path.
You can do this with a paper map. You can’t do this with gmaps. So you just don’t do it.
You do something halfass and unsatisfying instead, using multiple tabs or a text file you save addresses in or some shit

You don’t even realize why the process is frustrating because it’s just The Way It Is.
And everything on computers is like this. It’s just How It Is now. You can’t fail quickly and iterate.
On the library computer in 1998 I could retry searches over and over and over until I found what I was looking for because it was quick
Now I have to wait for a huge page to load, wait while the page elements shift all over, GOD FORBID i click on anything while its loading
how many times have i typed in a search box, seen what i wanted pop up as i was typing, go to click on it, then have it disappear

I make no secret of hating the mouse. I think it’s a crime. I think it’s stifling humanitys progress, a gimmick we can’t get over.
The mouse is the CueCat except it didn’t get ridiculed and reviled as it should have been. It’s inappropriate for almost everything we do.
There’s no reason for Twitter to use a mouse. There’s nothing mousey about this website, not a damn thing
Mice are for rapidly navigating through a complex and unstructured set of objects, like an app with dozens of options and input types
